Burlington KY
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This mare went to make over 215k during her race career and retired in 2014, she then became a momma and its what's she's done well up to this year.
She is LOVELY and has the kindest and most personable disposition. She is easy going, laid back, and wouldn't hurt a fly. No Vices. Starting her Thursday career back under saddle after 10 years without riding and she came back into work like she never stopped. Extremely safe and easy to work with. Great transitions. Light mouth, and she's so willing. She could be an amazing family horse or a HUGE asset to a lesson program!
Legs are clean and cold, she still has so many good years left!! Gorgeous build, smooth gains. Just the entire package full of class. Easy keeper that stays fat. Loves turnout, gets along with other horses but is equally fine alone in a stall.
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