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Last raced in November of 2022. Rodney is very sweet and absolutely loves attention. He is great for vet and farrier... UTD on everything and had precautionary ulcer treatment. Good eater, relatively easy keeper and Currently barefoot.
He ties, loads, bathes and tacks up well. Fine in a stall and equally gets along with horses outside in the field.
He has been lightly restarted and All of his riding post track has been done by a 15 year old intermediate rider. He has never been naughty or taken a bad step with her. She's unfortunately gained other interests and he has not been ridden all winter. They are looking to find him a loving home where he gets the attention he deserves. He did have a basic PPE at purchase where the vet had no alarming findings. Good bone and naturally a thicker horse.
Stands to be mounted. Good manners. Easy to lead. Amateur friendly.
Finish him whatever way you choose!
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